As I count down to March 22nd, when it all began last year for this blog, there's going to be quite a few Baseball shirts (which if you recall I deify with a capital letter). Since I already shared all but one of my Detroit Tigers shirts, and I am saving that last Tigers shirt for the final week, you will probably see several CUBS T-shirts, as I have quite a few remaining.

Baseball's spring training has begun. Players have reported and games begin soon.
I am starting to get excited again for Baseball season.
I am a bit of a stats nut, as I have mentioned before, so getting ready for Baseball season again means pouring over stats and planning my FANTASY BASEBALL TEAMS.
USA Today did a smart thing by hiring Ron Shandler and launching its own exclusive chats service with

I have spent many long hours considering complex measures of hitting and pitching to optimize playing Fantasy Baseball games which I do for free and for which I earn no money. Seems a bit crazy. I love it.
A friend of my wife's and mine is trying to engage in political debate on Facebook, and I care for very little for that debate or politics compared to Baseball.
Time for Baseball.
Lastly, I have made an executive decision about the blog about which I plan to expound in future entries. This decision has to do with focusing almost exclusively on shirts I already owned when I started the blog to finish out my remaining, as of today, 24 entries. I over-indulged in asking for gifts of T-shirts for Christmas and my Birthday, and I now have far more T-shirts than I need to complete my remaining 24 daily entries.
So what's next? For the next three weeks and three days, I will continue to post with T-shirts from my collection for the most part from the time I started the blog. I cannot promise that I will not be inspired to share a new shirt, but I want to take my time with many of these longer essays that I have been planning and do not seem to be able to complete, especially since I am having trouble even keeping up with short to moderate daily entries.
Once I reach March 22nd, daily entries will cease. I will begin to work on these longer entries on the newer shirts and the remaining shirts that do not get posted and share them with you on a weekly basis. At least that's the plan. I may get inspired and post more often. I may also take a break before the next T-shirt post. I suspect I will be a bit worn out after posting one T-shirt a day for 365 days straight!!
I am also going to devote myself more regularly to fiction writing, which will become part of my new blog and Internet presence post the year of T-shirts. This will also mean more regular blog entries (short bits) from the source blog, SENSE OF DOUBT.
Stay Tuned!
HIATUS TEXT: REVISED 1402.18: I have been trying to maintain a hiatus from large or over involved blog posts beginning with the start date of my hiatus on January 20th (almost a month ago) during which time I logged 21 posts, which I consider "Hiatus Shirts." By this term, Hiatus Shirt, I mean the shirt is not one that would cause me to write a great deal on the subject it features. These are shirts about which I can write anything, either a lot or a very little. The hiatus will continue, though as it has for the last few weeks, not consecutively as I will continue to mix Hiatus and Non-Hiatus shirts. The blog's year (365 shirts) draws close to a close. (I like the double word use in that previous sentence.) I hope to finish strong with some good entries with high quality content and imagery on some beloved subjects. To earn this time, I will need to intersperse shirts of little consequence, what I have come to call Hiatus Shirts.
My original goal of working ahead remains. I need time to write the enormously lengthy text to complete the extensive love letter to certain beloved popular culture icons featured on my many special shirts. Even with "Hiatus Shirts," I will try to share some worthy content as I have either an idea, a new suggestion of something to read/look at/listen to, or another installment of my various features, such as the WHY T-SHIRTS item, the WEEKLY COMIC BOOK LISTS, and the SHIRT I AM ACTUALLY WEARING TODAY among others. BTW, this is the standard HIATUS TEXT that I will include in every "hiatus shirt" entry.
Thanks for reading. I am always honored that people have taken some of their valuable time to look at my ongoing web writing project. Keep checking this address. I promise to make it worthwhile.
- chris tower - 1402.25 - 19:49
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