Okay, so I lied. If you are following closely, I promised another comic book artist today, but that is proving to be a much more time consuming entry than I first realized, and I want to give it more thought. Here's a hint: I am going to re-read Marvels and Kingdom Come. Those who know comics now know the artist I have in mind. Plus, I have mentioned him before in these pages and mentioned him among my favorite artists. Yowsa!
So, instead of the artist formerly known as Mr. Thursday, I might have presented another plan that I had for today, which starts with an H and ends with a -Wart's with an OG in between because Harry Potter saved my life. But this story will also need to wait for another time.
Instead I continue my run of "just logos" with one of the first logo shirts I ever bought: the logo for the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. As you can see, the logo is a bit faded.
Though Grading Robot has been powered down, chris tower has much to do today, much of it is self-care.
Unless my plans change (and don't be surprised if they do), the next four days will be pajama shirts as I take a brief hiatus and yet continue to post a shirt each day.
Thanks for reading!
Make mine Marvel!
- chris tower - 1308.15 - 11:19