Another Pajama shirt. Second favorite these days.
Mr. T-shirt Blogger is taking a hiatus from the T-shirt blog for probably four days (that's the plan anyway). I will resume crazy, long, ridiculously complex posts that make your mind reel on Tuesday August 20th if not before.
I have scheduled this blog post to automatically publish on Saturday August 17th.
I wrote the above text on August 15th. I am pleased to announce that I am still here. I may not understand how the schedule function works as I set this post to publish this morning, and it didn't. Yesterday's post was also supposed to publish during my surgery and didn't. I published it later from my tablet while under the influence of strong narcotics.
UPDATE from Bronson hospital: I am recovering from having my prostate removed. I am all right. I am getting a lot of TLC from my amazing wife, and I am re-reading Marvels and Kingdom Come in advance of my Alex Ross post. Thinking about heroes, wonders, and marvels.
Thanks for reading!
PS: Today is my wife's birthday. I love you, hunny.
- chris tower - 1308.17 - 11:35