This shirt is not a modified replica of a uniform. This is the actual shirt in terms style, cut, and design as worn by the character Joe Phat in the comic book Mage: The Hero Defined, the second series of stories about Kevin Matchstick and his companions begun by Matt Wagner in 1984 and published by Comico. Wagner returned to the world of Mage in 1997 for a second run of issues, The Hero Defined, this time from Image Comics.

This is my second Joe Phat T-shirt.
My first Joe Phat shirt had a hole punched in it. Dissatisfied with this turn of events, I bought another. The original Joe Phat shirt with its hole will surely come up for its own feature some day when I am under the work gun as I am today and need a quickie.

I woke up this morning with the thought in my head that this should be the shirt of the day. Originally, I had another shirt planned. But, today, Grading Robot, my alter ego, must channel the essence of Joe Phat. I have to be FAST. I have to be dedicated and disciplined. I have to persevere and overcome and triumph.
I am also going to the county fair with my dad.
And I was going to have a haircut but I needed to save work time, so I am re-scheduling.
Grading Robot must run at full power today.

The Mage books are very good, though as much as I like them, if I am going to recommend comics to a non-comics reader, or even recommend comics to a comics reader who doesn't know the stuff that I am recommending, Mage would not make the top ten (though it might make the top twenty). Books like Optic Nerve, Concrete, The Tale of One Bad Rat, Strangers in Paradise, Bone, Fables, Y the Last Man, and a few others are the first things to come to mind outside the mainstream.
I have at least two other shirts that will give me a chance to share about Kevin Matchstick and the Mage stories. For now, Grading Robot must cycle up to full velocity and break the quantum barrier between this world and the next.
Have a good day!
- chris tower - 1308.08 - 8:56
PS: I could not stay awake last night as I was reading comic books and listening to the Detroit Tigers game on the radio. When Rondon gave up a run in the bottom of the eighth to make it 4-4, I had to go to sleep. I woke a little after midnight and checked my tablet to see through bleary eyes that the Tigers had won 6-5. I slept happily after seeing that and yet I was not sure of it. I had to check again this morning to make sure I had not dreamed that I had seen a winning score and the eleventh straight, consecutive victory for my favorite. It's a good day to be a Detroit Tigers fan.
PPS: Two covers and a page of interior art to inspire those who do not know the comics that are Mage.