It features the logo for the abandoned Solsun beer produced by Bell's Brewery here in Kalamazoo (also known as Kalamazoo Brewing Company) but became Oberon in 1998 "as a result of legal action by the Mexican brewing company Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma, makers of a beer with a similar name: El Sol (The Sun)" (Bell's Wikipedia, 2014).
From what I can tell with a Google search, my Solsun shirt is a bit rare and could fetch a fair price if I were to auction it off. (Make me an offer readers. I am willing to sell pre-auction. It's an XL like all my shirts and in near mint condition despite being over 16 years old).
I like beer. I like Bell's beer. But I don't have much more to say about that. I have another subject to tackle today, plus, as you may know, I am in hiatus.
My previous Bell's post and my preferred shirt is to be found here: T-shirt #186.
I have not really addressed the central question most important to this blog:
What's the deal with all these T-shirts? How did I get so many? Why are they important to me? Why am I spending so much time writing about T-shirts?
Obviously, I am doing more than writing JUST about T-shirts. I use T-shirts as a way to write, period. Just to write and then publish what I write and see what readers think. But even without any reader feedback, I am writing, I am exploring, I am producing.
So, the blog is dedicated to writing more than just about T-shirts, but the question about the T-shirts still lingers, and it's time to tackle it.
I have a "Wearing T-shirts" category with five posts in it. And now, I am adding the "Why T-shirts?" category to contain all the content I plan to produce in this series.
But first, here are the contents of the "Wearing T-shirts" category:
T-shirt #77: Narcissism
T-shirt #83: X-Men Logo
T-shirt #96: House of Secrets
T-shirt #93: Free Katie
T-shirt #87: Aliens, Robots, and Zombies
The last one, T-shirt #87, has the most content that applies to this question, some of which I will reprint as I am working on this series.
Even though I am on "hiatus," I am going to parcel out, one point at a time, the answer to "Why T-shirts?" Here we go.
WHY T-SHIRTS #1: T-SHIRTS ARE COOL (and I mean temperature)
I am always hot/warm. I go around my house in shorts and a T-shirt year around. My favorite work outfit is shorts and a T-shirt. I would wear shorts and a T-shirt outside all the time if it didn't get as cold some days as it is today. It's 14 degrees outside my house at this moment. When I woke up, it was eight degrees. Wind chills are as low 20 degrees below zero. I do not leave the house in shorts in that kind of temperature if only to run to end of the driveway to get the mail or the knocked over herby.
Otherwise, I feel most comfortable in a T-shirt. So, being cool means COMFORT. T-shirts are comfortable, and obviously, I am not the only who thinks so. And so, I slowly accumulated many of them over the years. But more on this in the next item, tomorrow.
- chris tower - 1401.23 - 15:58