I love Baseball. To my regular readers, this is not new information. If you are a new or occasional reader, check out the categories for Baseball (which I deify with a capital letter) and the Detroit Tigers in my category list.
I love the sentiment on this shirt, but it's another shirt that I am rarely seen wearing either in public or even at home. Partly, I do not like wearing the shirt because the logo is heavy and wearing the shirt is a bit uncomfortable.
Perhaps I should frame the shirt and hang it on the wall. This may be a more fitting way to enjoy the shirt and its sentiment.
T-shirt #80: Detroit Tigers est. 1901 may be my best Baseball post so far, though T-shirt #115: Chicago Cubs est. 1876 also shares a great deal of good Baseball stuff. I love the sense of history. I love the stats. I love my teams.
But it's all best summed up by this quote from the great Ernie Harwell:
"Baseball is a ballet without music. Drama without words. A carnival without kewpie dolls. Baseball is continuity. Pitch to pitch. Inning to inning. Season to season."I will snuggle into the continuity today as the Tigers play a day game and continue to strive to secure the division win as well as the best record in the AL and home field advantage throughout the playoffs.
Grading robot is running full bore today.
Though the following is not just about Baseball, I wanted to share.
A quick note on fantasy sports, which I play regularly. I have more to say on this subject, but I wanted to reference it here. I am doing all right in fantasy football, which just started. It does not look like I am going to win any of my Baseball leagues this year, though I did all right and finished near the top in several.
I started the season in six Baseball leagues but ended now with five because the manager of one, the FMLB League, shut down the league in a snit when many of us accused him of cheating. He threw me out of his football league at the same time, but he did not notice I had two teams in that football league, so I can watch him continue to act unethically and be an abusive cretin.
In addition to playing fantasy sports, I pick football spreads with friends. After a terrible year of picking in 2012, in which I ended with a record of 113-136-7, the first time I had been that far under the .500 mark, possibly ever, I am proud to report that so far this season I have a record of 16-14-2, which may not be amazing, but is a winning record which is all that matters.
- chris tower - 1309.19 - 8:27