Greetings. Happy Sunday. Welcome to a collection of my shirts so far. I thought that the end of the year would be a good time to recap visually. I considered creating a video, but I wanted the visual impact of the grid. But before I explored how to make a photo grid (more on this in a minute), I had to decide what shirt to feature as today's shirt. Since I did not own any plain white t-shirts, I thought this would make a good choice for today's blog. And since I bought a pack of three, I have two more plain T-shirts to fill in when I need an any subject shirt.
Because of the way Photoshop makes the contact sheets, the easiest thing was to arrange the files alphabetically by file name. Given that I did not use a naming convention that would order and number them, re-organizing them in ORDER is a much bigger project, but it is possible project. Obviously, you can see where this is going. By the end of my blog year, I may assemble a set of contact sheets with the pictures arranged in order of appearance. Then again, given the scope of such a project, I may not.
Another problem I encountered is the original file I assembled contained 280 files out of 289 shirts published thus far (actually looking ahead a few days), and when I made the file, I included 11 doubles (or in some cases 3-4 images of the same shirt as you see with this first contact sheet). As I write this, as I am working ahead, I am in the process of looking for the nineteen (19) shirts I missed in my original assembly. I have found seven of these shirts so far, but it's a time-consuming, cross checking process. By the time, you read this, I am hoping to include a final contact sheet, making a total of fifteen (at twenty images per sheet that's 300 shirts, which is just right as I posted 289 yesterday and used 11 doubles/triples/quads in my original set).
Given that I am still playing D&D with my best friend who is visiting, we which means less time to write the blog, I have not finished my exploration of the blog's history and found all the missing t-shirts.
FUN GAME FOR MY READERS: How about this? If you are a faithful reader and interested in spending a snowy day exploring my blog, feel free to participate in a game of What T-shirts are Missing? By my estimation, as explained, NINETEEN (19) shirts are missing from the sets of photos presented below. How many missing shirts can you name? Leave me a comment if you play and we shall see what happens. I do not expect a huge turnout, so if anyone plays at all I may award prizes.
SHIRTS 1-289
COUNTDOWN TO END OF THE BLOG YEAR - 75 shirts remaining
- chris tower - 1401.05 - 19:29