The illustration above is clearly labeled, so I do not have to repeat the credits. It's very gothic, so it says New York to me. I have been meaning to share it. Francavilla has a blog called Pulp Sunday, and this the banner for it. He has not updated it since August of 2013 as of this writing.
I have no idea where the stain on today's T-shirt came from. I am thinking it may be a coffee stain, which would be appropriate given the art on today's shirts, which I bought during one of my many visits to New York in the years since 1985 when I lived there for an internship at Marvel Comics.
Yes, let me repeat that in case you missed it.
I worked in New York for three months in 1985 as an intern at Marvel Comics.
I have only one post in my New York category so far: T-shirt #236: Happy Ending Massage Parlor and T-shirt #126: New York: Open 24 Hours.

My T-shirt #126: New York: Open 24 Hours gave some basics of that time in New York, though I have discovered many things since in subsequent visits. Since I have other New York shirts, I will attempt to spread out my New York content.
BTW, the image to the left is the back of the shirt, and the images above and below are from the front of the shirt, showing the mysterious stain.
Those who have tuned into the blog during the construction period may have seen that this post was under development for a couple of days. In the interest of speed and catching up, I am going to keep things short today.
I lived in the Century Paramount hotel. Check these links.

Even though I kept my stuff at the Paramount, I also, more or less, lived with someone on a boat at the 79th Street Boat Basin, which was quite an adventure in winter in New York. The boat had a coal stove. Try finding scrap wood for fires in New York in the winter. Sounds easy, and it is once you know the meat packing district. But then getting such kindling from the lower west side all the way to West 79th street on the subway at rush hour is a bit of challenge.
This area has been re-modeled and gentrified as well. When I was staying there, these colonnades were abandoned or often the squatting temporary living places of homeless people. I saw New York rat scuttle through once as I walked under the West Side highway. It looked the size of a small child's bicycle.
These are my New York stories for today. I will share more later.
COUNTDOWN TO END OF THE BLOG YEAR - 72 shirts remaining
- chris tower - first publication - 1401.08 - 21:20
Final publication - 1401.10 - 18:57