I promise for once this will be short. Or at least shorter. I have gone a little nuts lately, but, hey, time off, vacation, freedom, and thus more writing and time in research. I had some fun.
Yesterday (Friday July 5th), I had a haircut.
Here is a picture of me in the salon (left).
I was just out the door of my home and at the stop light at our nearest major intersection when I discovered that I had left the house without my wedding ring.
Had I not been late to my appointment at the salon, I would have turned around and retrieved my ring. But I did not, so I thought that this would be a cute picture. A thank you to Tim at Ultima Salon for the photo.
I hate being without my wedding ring. I only take it off to shower or wash my hands. But sometimes, I forget to put it back on, such as when I am doing dishes and get called away or when I am in a hurry and leave the house in a rush.

Of course, this time, my ring was where I left it on the bathroom counter, and I was much relieved when I returned home and put it back on my finger. Whew!
I was so proud when I got married and had a wedding ring that I swore to never take it off except for bathing or dish washing and such things. I debated as to whether I should wear it playing Ultimate as it is a bit loose when my finger shrinks in the cold, but so far, in almost four years, it has not slipped off. This is the main source of the panic. I have no visible evidence of being married without the ring, which is troublesome in and of itself, and which I never do on purpose, and if I am away from home, I am afraid that it is lost. I have to check to make sure I know where it is, which I cannot do when I have left the house. I also panic a bit when I leave the house without a watch, and at least once a week, I double back to make sure I have shut the garage door.
I already featured my other Daily Planet shirt in T-shirt #42. So, not much today about the actual Daily Planet.

Here are a few random lists of the things kicking around my brain lately: things to recommend and share.

- T-shirt #77: Narcissism
- T-shirt #105: Ultimate Spider-Man (WITH A VIDEO!!)
- T-shirt #13: The Unlucky Red Shirt
- T-shirt #98: Optic Nerve
- T-shirt #64: Embrace Uncertainty; Question Everything
If you asked me to name five books I have loved lately and read recently (as in during the last twelve months), here we go:
- The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
- Ready, Player One - Ernest Cline
- Red Shirts - John Scalzi
- Gun Machine - Warren Ellis
- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay - by Michael Chabon
But really, out of this list, Ready, Player One by Ernest Cline is the most amazing. Everyone to whom I have recommended it has loved it, and the audio edition with narration by Wil Wheaton is fantastic! Beware. You will not be able to put it down.
I originally mentioned Ready, Player One in the entry for T-shirt #61, another post that could have made the top five and of which I am enormously proud. (See how I am sneaking in more than a top five in posts?)
Again, a quick five items. Just the music that I have been listening to in the last two weeks, and in the case of number one, what I am listening to right now.
- Spektrmodule podcasts
- At Water's Edge podcasts
- Love This Giant - David Byrne and St. Vincent
- Out of the Woods Tracey Thorn
- Destroyed - Moby
I wrote about Warren Ellis' Spektrmodule in T-shirt #75, another entry in which I take great pride.
The Tracey Thorne album came up in T-shirt #97 and lists of most listened to albums. Of course, Moby being in the above list is proof that often when I choose to write about something, as I did with Moby in T-shirt #99, then I am inspired to listen. I am going to see David Byrne and St. Vincent in two days (on Monday July 8th), so expect more on this subject following that show.
AT WATER'S EDGE, which is a great ambient podcast/ radio show can be found via the following:
and Rebecca Hilgraves (the host).
Lastly, FOOD ( a new category). Here are five foods that I love that sound good to me right now.
- Oyako Don, Donburi
- Sushi and Sashimi
- Fried Rice
- Kimchee
- Spam Musubi
Do you sense a theme here?
Thank you for reading today's blog. I hope you found something of interest.
Leave me a comment!!
- chris tower - 1307.06 - 12:05
(And yes, for me, this is short!)