T-shirt #309 - TPTA Corporate Olympics - Shirt A
Today's shirt is another gift from my father from the years that TPTA participated in the local Corporate Olympics. I have two, so expect to see another.
Not much to say, hence the ...
Have we established that I am not always wearing the shirt I am featuring that day? Below I have assembled seven images of the shirts I have worn this week, including the one I am wearing right now (the United Federation of Planets Logo).
Perhaps, this is interesting...
Maybe I will do this kind of thing more often.

I am doing a series of snippets that will add up to a larger whole answering the "Why T-shirts?" or "What's with all the T-shirts?" question. I have also decided to include the previous items in an ever growing list, hence the "previous items" section next.
When I taught media studies, I taught from a book called No Logo, in which the author, "took aim at the brand bullies" and discusses the impact of brand-oriented corporate activity and the ways in which people have chosen to fight back, such as Culture Jamming.
Since I was in a different T-shirt in every class, always showing off some comic book logo or musical artist, I would have been a huge hypocrite if advocated for NO LOGOS. Instead I advocated for making conscious choices and owning one's choices. After all, wearing a T-shirt with something printed on it is choosing to be a walking, traveling, interacting billboard for whatever "brand" is displayed on the shirt. I talked about why I wanted to promote this comic book or that musical artist, and I asked the to question if they really wanted to pay their own money to advertise that beer, that school. or that clothing company. Because that's what this is all about: we spend our own money to advertise for other corporate interests.
The above set of shirts from last week show that I paid (or was gifted) about $140 worth of clothing to advertise a podcast, a TV cartoon character, a VERTIGO comic book, a phrase from a set of fantasy books, a comic book character in a logo style of a TV show from the 1960s, a magic company, and a fictional organization in a science fiction TV show. I am purposefully not naming them all in my list to see if you can figure them all out. If you care that is.
So the question is: why would I choose to spend my own money to be an advertisement?
I mean if I am going to pay to have the privilege to advertise I better have some damn good reasons for doing so, and thus I will explore these ideas more in tomorrow's WHY T-SHIRTS post. Also, postscript, it is possible that I will add to this posting after I publish it. After all, I added I sentence to yesterday's, which means I should post the entire WHY T-SHIRTS? essay all together when it's complete.

I gave a lot of thought to keeping The Walking Dead in my number one slot. I almost dropped it. This week made for many tough choices. I loved the first issue of Black Widow (even though I suspect Marvel of trying to compete with Image's Velvet), and as you can see, it jumped from the seventh slot two weeks ago to number two and almost number one.
Excited for the new Invaders comic and with good reviews by some tough readers at the comic book store, I log in the All New Invaders comic at number three. The rest of the top six-seven all look good and were close calls in the rankings. Batman falling to ninth may change as I start to work my way through the stack.
I am proud to have cleared the back log enough that there are no issues from this week that go straight to back log.
And on the strength of many recommendations, I am buying Unwritten to give it a go. I just finished Nowhere Men last night and added it to my large stack of comics and graphic novels that I want to review on my blog. For now, just this week's list.

The Walking Dead #120
Black Widow #002
All New Invaders #001
Mighty Avengers #005
All-New X-Men #022.NOW
X-Men #009
Captain America #015
Hawkeye #016
Batman #27
Avengers World #002
Avengers #025
FF #016
Iron Man #020.INH
The Man of Bronze: Doc Savage #2 (DYNAMITE)
Deadly Class #1 (IMAGE: Remender, Criag, Loughridge)
Justice League #27
Birds of Prey #27
Wonder Woman #27
Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics: X-Men #003
Indestructible Hulk #018.INH
NO BACKLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unwritten volume one (Carey/Gross-VERTIGO)
COUNTDOWN TO END OF THE BLOG YEAR - 56 shirts remaining
- chris tower - 1401.24 - 19:41