The T-shirt for today is dictated by my mood.
In my continuing series of providing justifications and rationalizations for wearing certain T-shirts, I want to share a bit about how mood often dictates the shirt. But first a bit about reasoning.
As I have previously addressed, different shirts have different uses. There are "dressy" shirts, which I am wear only when I go out of the house dressed to the "nines." I have mentioned that some shirts are for sleeping, and others are more or less exclusively worn when there's a chance they will get soiled. (I am ashamed to say that yesterday's shirt, T-shirt #37, is one of those shirts. I am so ashamed of this fact that I have "hidden" the fact here rather than in yesterday's entry. It is my logic that those Facebook friends who spot the shirt for Take Back the Night may just click on that post and not this one, and therefore, not be offended by this confession. I could be wrong.) I have described that some shirts fit the season, like my yellow shirts, such as KID FLASH T-SHIRT #30. And back in my media studies teaching days, I often wore a shirt for the musical artist that I was featuring in class that day, such as T-shirt #35: Joy Division. (By the way, I added videos to my former music blog entries, which I should have done in the first place. These can be found at T-shirt #35: Joy Division: Unknown Pleasures, T-shirt #36: Kraftwerk: We are the robots and T-shirt#6: Discipline. I provided the links here as a service to my daily readers, or randomly regular readers, who may want to dial back and watch the videos.)