T-shirt #261: Ramones
I bought it at the same time as I bought the CBGB shirt that I featured when I said goodbye to Lou Reed in T-shirt #231, which is fitting as the Ramones played their first gig at CBGB in 1974.
I wish I could remember the bands I saw in the show I went to at CBGB in 1985, but these facts are lost in time.
I like punk music, but I never considered myself a punk or a punk rocker. However, in the 1980s, I did go to a lot of punk shows in Kalamazoo, more because of the scene than the music. Black Flag, a local band called the T-Snakes. All sorts. I hit a few shows in Ann Arbor, too, though I hardly remember. I played the Ramones at college dances and in my radio show, but I did not own any Ramones albums. In fact, I may like the Harmones, a Kalamazoo College Ramones inspired band named for their dorm, Harmon.
I do think the Ramones are a good band, but they were never among my favorites. I think their stuff is fun and a great portrait of the time period. I own much of it. I do not listen to it very often of my own choice, but my step-son Ivan plays it for me on occasion so I keep tunes on my iPod.
Punk is punk. I do not enjoy debating which came first American punk via the Ramones or British punk via the Sex Pistols.
All of my favorite punk songs--if they can be considered "punk" and I don't think they can be--are by the Clash and the Jam. The former I wrote about recently in T-shirt #238. The latter I have not written about yet as I am saving my shirt featuring the Jam for a time when I can really devote myself to what is probably my favorite band and certainly in my top five as also mentioned in T-shirt #238.
I do like what is considered Post-Punk possibly more than punk itself. Bands like Gang of Four, Killing Joke, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and especially Cabaret Voltaire are among my favorites, but they are considered post-punk. I also liked the New Wave bands, such as DEVO, XTC, Blondie, Ultravox, Gary Numan's TubeWay Army, Elvis Costello and the Attractions, and most especially Talking Heads.
But this is about punk and the Ramones. And I meant to let the music speak for itself.
This is meant to be a quickie.
I wish to present my five favorite punk songs that are not by the Clash or the Jam. And, hey, guess what. There's a Ramones song. Okay, I am lying. These are not my favorites so much as the first five that spring to mind. Or is this the same thing? If the songs spring to mind, then must they be my favorites?
In any case, enjoy the exploration of my top five punk songs.
I could not embed the video for the next one, and though it's from a later period, more grunge, it's true punk in its aesthetic and I love it.
Now, more true than ever, "I wanna be sedated."
Also, as mentioned in the first video: "All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't bring it to me..."
-chris tower - 1312.07 - 9:34