Time for some more Ultimate.
After a hiatus of almost exactly a month during which I had my prostate removed, a catheter removed, and learned to pee again, I hope to return to the Ultimate field today for at least some light running, which, arguably, at my advanced age, is about all I do anyway.
I have some throws, though I am far from being a Handler God.

Also, playing today means just that much sooner that I can get back on my bike, and if I can get in some good training between biking, walking, and Ultimate, I may be able to play at HUCKFEST on November 2nd. More on this HUCKFEST in a minute.
I have been walking most every day since the surgery. Yesterday was the second day (first day for class) that I walked to WMU (and back), which is keeping me in pretty good shape (at least as walking goes). I had always tried to make some movement a daily priority, but even with the puppy, I let work take a greater priority and did not always get my exercise into the day. This is why I like biking to WMU for class because at least I would log two miles twice a week, which is not a lot, but it's something. Ultimate also gives me a weekly outlet to run and around and stay in some kind of shape. This is why I am hoping to be able to get out on the field today and run, though maybe not at full tilt (that is full tilt for me). I also probably should not lay out, which I am known to do, if only gratuitously.
In the pictures, you see me at HUCKFEST 2007. In the first picture, I am guarding Eric Geile, long time captain of Michigan's best men's (Big Ass Truck) and now best Master's team. In the second picture, you see me having fun with friends David Heimberg, Kim Sabo, and with Matt Frayer (a young Dumbledore) enjoying our antics as he walks by in the background.
HUCKFEST is an annual Ultimate tourney of beer, hot soup, and Ultimate in Grand Rapids with weather that ranges from 34 degrees and spitting sleet with 30 MPH winds, which was the weather of Huckfest I, which my team won, to weather of near 70 degrees and sunny as we enjoyed one year when Matt Love brought donuts and the frosting began to melt. Ah memories... But usually it's cold. In 2007, you can see I was pretty bundled up but some, like Geile, were freezing their asses off in shorts.
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!! Ultimate is a great sport that everyone should try, especially with the availability of public leagues with varying ages and skill levels.
Keeping with my short entries for the week (still trying to bank ahead some longer work), I am concluding with three videos.
The first video is actually from HUCKFEST in 2008 in which my alma mater's Ultimate Buzz team (Kalamazoo College) moved the disc well against the home team, (Huckfest hosts) East Towne Entropy, with whom I have been known to play from time to time. The second video is aerial footage by Ryan Rittenhouse taken with his tricopter from our recent KUDL summer tournament in August of 2013. The last video is a collection of top plays in Ultimate from March of 2013. Apparently, Everything Ultimate posts these once every month. It gives a good idea of why the sport is called Ultimate and why I love it so much.
- chris tower - 1309.11 - 7:26