There have been comments by readers (verbal mostly) that my blogs entries are very long. It is true. I can't deny that I am verbose, wordy, Baroque in the extreme. See? Right there, I could have just described myself as "wordy."
Then, yesterday, a good friend told me that I am cool, and cooler than he originally believed. I am touched by this compliment.
With the original concept for the blog, I intended to make short entries. If you do not believe me, dial back to the first five entries. They are all short blurbs. Not crazy long essays. Even T-shirt #6: Discpline is very much on the short side. But then they started to grow. Some are crazy long. I need to continue my dedication to variety both in subject matter (at least day-to-day) as well as length.

Like many American comic book readers, I have Frank Miller to thank for introducing me to Japanese Manga, principally the series: Lone Wolf and Cub. Miller's comic Ronin (1983-1984) sparked my interest in Manga just before my internship in New York, where I was able to find Manga racked in comic book stores. No surprise that my interest flared as Ronin was inspired by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima's Lone Wolf and Cub. In 1987, the now defunct comic company FIRST COMICS began publishing translations of the manga with covers by Miller and others.

Starting in 2000, Dark Horse Comics began releasing the Lone Wolf and Cub translations in trade paperback format. DH Comics added the volumes (28 in all) to its digital platform in 2012.
A re-imagined version titled Lone Wolf 2100 was created by writer Mike Kennedy and artist Francisco Ruiz Velasco with Koike's indirect involvement in 2002 (published by Dark Horse). Though the series did not sell as well as the original, I thought it was excellent.
Dark Horse recently announced obtaining the license to Shin Lone Wolf and Cub, a follow-up to the original series by Kazuo Koike and Hideki Mori.

It is regarded as one of the greatest and most epic manga of all time.
- chris tower - 1306.18 - 10:00