T-shirt # 256 - Mad Dog Ultimate Tournament - Scooby Doo
As I wrote yesterday, I am taking a shirt hiatus.... ha ha, that's a typo. I meant "short" hiatus. It's not really a shirt hiatus as there are still shirts.
So light on content for a few days.
Yesterday was the necessary day of rest for "self-care" though after I graded two sets of assignments and did a bunch of daily work. Also, though I had some good picks (Vikings! Cardinals!), I am 6-9 total for the week and only because I went 2-1 with my picks for Thanksgiving Day. But I am sweeping fantasy basketball (except for the team I let Yahoo draft).
Oh and the Pistons won big. So between reading a bunch of comics, quality time with my wife, loving times with the puppy, I am happy. Though now it's back to work, hence the content-light hiatus.

Mad Dog was one of the most fun tournaments in which I ever played. I miss it. But I especially liked teaming up with Midland folks in 2002. It's one of my best Ultimate tournament memories. Plus, I have this nifty shirt. In fact, I may have TWO. I like that I have an Ultimate shirt that features Scooby Doo. Great people!
I have always been a big Scooby Doo fan. Check out these two nifty clips. One is Christmas themed!