Mr. T-shirt Blogger is taking a hiatus from the T-shirt blog for probably four days (that's the plan anyway.. and now I am up to five days). I will resume crazy, long, ridiculously complex posts that make your mind reel on Wednesday August 21st (though maybe not).
Taking at least one more extra day of recuperation.
Had a bowel movement!! I know that's something you all wanted to know. It's important to me that the bowels are waking up. I am very in tune with my bowels.
Recuperation is taking longer than I expected. I did not think about how much pain there would be after having my prostate cut out of my abdomen. I know; I mentioned this yesterday. But I think it needs repeating.
I thought I would be writing ahead on the blog while recuperating, but so far that has not happened. I may take another day or two of hiatus before I launch the next crazy long and complex posting.
This T-shirt came to me via John Kasdorf, a good friend of mine and Liesel's.
Back to comics, TV watching, and rest.
- chris tower - 1308.20 - 10:27