T-shirt #291 - Wrigley Field
Greetings blog reader. Not that you will notice any change, but today's blog is brought to you by the Park Club in downtown Kalamazoo where I have stationed myself with my trusty Asus Ultra Book to write while my friend (the one who is visiting) is interviewed by prospective employers.
The entry for "A Year in T-shirts" (T-shirt #290) is currently clocking in at sixteen views "today" followed by the previous days 10,000 Maniacs post and a few others.
Today, I chose this shirt to be able to deliver a short blog entry, though I warn you, dear reader, expect more Cubs shirts between now and March. I featured all but one of the Detroit Tigers shirts I currently own last year, but I only featured two Chicago Cubs shirts, and I own more than two.
My second Cubs shirt post, T-shirt #259, was devoted to the first Cubs shirt I owned, one that is soon destined to be a dust rag. I posted it to have an entry I could keep short and write about current Baseball news, as I did for that entry dated December fifth, 2013. My first Cubs entry, T-shirt #115, was a longish love letter about Ron Santo. I added my "Dinner Party" category to this entry only because I would love to have Ron Santo at my fantasy Dinner Party (if you do not know about my Dinner Party, you can drill back in the category posts by clicking the link in the list on the right side of the main blog page for any given day); however, due to the rules I set for my own Dinner Party, I cannot invite Ron Santo as only people who are still alive can be on my "list" of people I would want at such a Dinner Party, if I were to be granted a "Make A Wish Foundation" wish, which I do not expect to be granted.

Also, not only am I keeping myself to limited content today, but I am not intending to deliver much in the way of Chicago Cubs content. I have other Cubs shirts. Look for more Baseball and Cubs content in future blog posts. I have more Cubs shirts to come as I shared already. Besides, this shirt was one of those freebies either at the Wrigley Field gate or when one signed up for a credit card, I forget which.
After all, as I previously reported, my friend Tom Meyers is visiting until Wednesday, and so I am trying to manage my time. However, after role-playing in the adaptation of Dungeons and Dragons known as Pathfinder all day yesterday, we recessed to watch the end of the SF-Green Bay football game before bed and had a substantive discussion about how sports seasons are too long, how too many teams make the playoffs, how revenue sharing is a disaster (and a failure) in Baseball, and various other sports related subjects, such as how many pass interference calls are missed in football games.
We want fewer games in each season, fewer teams in the playoffs, more revenue sharing in Baseball, and more pass interference and offensive interference calls in football.
As for my Chicago Cubs fandom, the team is my second favorite after the Detroit Tigers. Though there were glimmers of winning ways in the 2000s, we Cubs fans are back to suffering so far in the 2010s.
OH! Let me know what you think of the baseballs as eyeballs pictures. I thought it was an inspired idea. I have "Baseball Eyes." Some clever musician could probably get a song out of this: "Baseball Eyes."
Tune in to my blog again for more sports nonsense.
Back to D&D and friend time. Thanks for reading.
COUNTDOWN TO END OF THE BLOG YEAR - 74 shirts remaining
- chris tower - 1401.06 - 13:45