How cool would it be to belong to a club of teenaged superheroes?
In the future.
FAR in the future, like 1000 years in the future.
In which every superhero has special and unique powers.
And it's a club SO BIG that it has a waiting list (the "reserves"): The Legion of Substitute Heroes.

I want to belong to that club.

In fact, the Legion fan community was so devoted that many came to produce Legion comics, starting with Jim Shooter who wrote his first Legion script at the age of fourteen, soon becoming the regular writer on the Legion comic. Longtime fan Paul Levitz may have logged the most issues and the most defining run in Legion history aided by great artists like Mike Grell, Steve Lightle, and Keith Giffen. Starting in 1989, other fans straight out of Legion fandom, Tom and May Bierbaum, took over writing Legion comics and did some work that was inscrutable to most readers and yet much loved by some of the hardcore Legion fans (like me). The Bierbaums were very active in the exclusive APA (Amateur Press Association - see my T-shirt #61: Nightwing for more explanation of what an APA is) Interlac, named after the International Galactic Language of the Legion era, which is 1000 years in the future.
Interlac and The Legion Outpost fan club are the holy grails of comic book fandom.
Legion fans are very fun and interesting people as seen here in a "Cos Play" photo.
I may be a fan, but I don't do Cos Play.
Not that there's anything wrong with Cos Play. Just not my thing.
Some of my bets friends do Cos Play.
Okay... whatever. Shutting up now.
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Photo to be found via : http://www.flickr.com/photos/patcave/5011972641/ |
DC-Wiki - Legion Entry
Legion WIKI
Regular Wikipedia Entry for the Legion
List of all Legion Members
- Wildfire
- Dawnstar
- Element Lad
- Sun Boy
- Shadow Lass
- Timber Wolf
- The White Witch
- Lightning Lass
- Chameleon Boy
- Cosmic Boy
Honorable mention: Matter-Eater Lad. I have to give him an honorable mention because the idea for the hero is so ridiculous. He eats anything and everything.
The list of names will not mean much to people who are not comic book fans and have some experience with the characters. For instance, in the image to the left, Dawnstar has the wings, Wildfire is in the extreme foreground at the bottom (you can see his shiny visor), and Timber Wolf is in the lower right corner right below Shadow Lass who is the dark colored woman to Dawnstar's upper left (her left is our right).
I tried to find the earliest Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes comic I won in an online image but that will have to wait for a future posting as there are more Legion shirts (big surprise). But I did find a few of the earliest covers (#201, 204, 205, and 207). I own plus some others that I like and may inspire others to investigate this Legion thing.

- chris tower -1307.26 - 19:06