We are violently ill.
Sounded better as the answer to the question. Without using the "hospital we," I should say that "I am violently ill." Really, you do not want details.
I knew something would impede my daily progress and routine eventually. I did not want to take a skip day. Instead this is a placeholder entry that I will fill out and update tomorrow, assuming I feel well enough. I thought being busy or on the road or something else would be what derails my daily regimen. I do not get ill that often, though this is like the second or third time since January, so maybe my assessment is wrong.
As you know, I feel that spring means yellow shirts.
When I feel up to it, I will answer the questions that I know interests you all most: why is DEVO not one of my top ten favorite all time bands? But why is DEVO one of the top ten bands/artists I have always wanted to see live and have not.
I cannot remember exactly when or how I was introduced to DEVO, but it was before 1980's Freedom of Choice and the monster hit "Whip It."