I just returned from my basement, where I was searching for a toy to use when posing with the T-shirt I had chosen for today, but instead of finding that toy, I spotted the "M.I.B." DEADMAN toy (M.I.B. = Mint in Box).
Knowing I also own the hardcover, slipcase, collected edition of Deadman, I decided to open a box. I have not unpacked my graphic novels and collected edition hardbacks since moving them to my house in January. I slit the tape on the first box on top of the first stack, and guess what? There was The DEADMAN Collected Edition right on top. I would take that as a sign, wouldn't you?
I abandoned my plans to blog about one of my other favorite heroes and chose Deadman instead.
You know, how this Deadman came to be today's feature mirrors Deadman's power. In the DC Comics, Deadman is the stage name of the circus trapeze artist Boston Brand who is murdered and becomes a ghost with the power to possess other people's bodies.