T-shirt #350 - 10,000 Maniacs - Our Time in Eden #2
Greetings reader. Thank you for checking out my blog.
This is my third 10,000 Maniacs shirt, and I think I have shared everything I want to share about this wonderful band in these previous entries:
And so, I thought I would try something a bit different today. A battle of the bands, in which I share videos of various bands in mock competition for your attention. I will share one 10,000 Maniacs song and then my choices will be based on bands for which I do not own T-shirts, and so they would not be otherwise featured, which means no videos by the Who, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Dead Can Dance, King Crimson, the Jam, The Pixies, the Clash, Sigur Rós, Kraftwerk, Sterolab, Steely Dan, U2, Cocteau Twins, Everything But the Girl, Joy Division, New Order, and a few others I am not thinking of off hand or that I am planning to feature later. As you can see, this is just bands that I am including not individual musical artists.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. In reviewing some of my former posts which contain music videos, I have found that the videos are no longer loading on many of the pages. My preliminary investigations reveal that the more recent videos are still embedded, but older pages are missing their video widgets. After some research, I discovered that this is a known issue. It appears that it is an issue with Chrome.
I checked, and the videos work fine in Internet Explorer, which is the only other browser to which I have access. But they probably work fine in other browsers, too. This may finally get me to download FireFox, which I gave up on years ago because of its massive memory leak! Just FYI, if you have trouble seeing videos on any of my pages, try another browser. I may or may not try to reload them all in all the past pages. This could take a lot of work, and if they are still embedded and just not visible from every instance of Google Chrome, then I am not sure I want to do the extra work. I am sure you understand. :-)
Presenting here kind of a mock "Battle of the Bands" with what I think are some of the greatest "rock" band songs in all of modern music (not counting ones I have already presented, so this is an edited list). See explanation farther above. I will try to restrict myself to TEN, which is going to be difficult.
1. We start off with 10,000 Maniacs because of the shirt, but also because this is a GREAT song.
2. I think one could make the argument that this next song is the single greatest rock and roll song of all time.
3. I know, I know... this next one is such a standard pick and so over selected, and yet, how can I not select it?
4. There can be no battle of great bands without this one from CSN&Y. Amazing.
5. I am somewhat restricted by You Tube's restrictions with Beatles content. However, this is just one of my favorites if not my single favorite Beatles song. I would not argue that it's the best Beatles song, but I adore it.
6. I am sure that people who view my list will note that I am leaving out many great bands and that I am selecting with my own personal preferences. Well.... uh... yeah, DUH. I love Talking Heads, and when I decided to do this battle of the bands, this was the song that popped into my head. When I found this love version: kismet!
7. Before I get accused of just sharing videos by white people, one of the greatest African-American groups of all time. FANTASTIC stuff.
8. Time for a little SKA, but it's SKA that transcends SKA. A band that should be known as simply "The Beat." I could have picked so many other bands and songs, I know. But this is such a beautiful song and one of my all time favorites, and it's my band battle, so there.
9. This next one is all my all-time top song to make DJs play on college radio. This video may not be the best (though it is the best of the lot that are out there), but I wanted a live one, so here it is.
10. So many bands and songs that I could select for the last one, and I KNOW I am leaving out so many bands, but this next song has always meant a lot to me, and it makes me happy. It's what I wish you, too. HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY. :-)
- chris tower - first published - 1403.06 - 19:19
final publication - 1403.07 - 11:22