Hey, it's cold outside.
Temps today will not break 59 I am told. Though it's not raining now, it may rain later.
Today marks the return of KUDL Wednesday on the blog. I did not share a KUDL shirt last Wednesday, though I did return to the field after my hiatus.
I busted out the long-sleeved shirt Monday when I took the puppy for a walk. If I had someone with me, or a more fancy phone, I could have shared a picture of me on a walk with the puppy.
I did a week's worth of work yesterday. I am finding it difficult to muster the motivation to do another week's worth of work between now and Friday morning. But Grading Robot may have hit on a shortcut to save oodles of time. Grading Robot is smart. Grading Robot is a robot.
Compounding the lack of work motivation is my wife's doldrums because she had two rough days at work and is dragged down by the entropy of the universe, and to cap that off, a water main break left us without water for a couple of crucial hours this morning when we both wanted showers.
The good news? Well, not the Detroit Tigers winning. I am leaving that subject alone. Let's see..
- I am enjoying re-reading Dune via audio book. The first few chapters are a wonderful way to start such an epic novel and series. The intensity of the early chapters is not well sustained through the whole, but so far, I am enjoying the re-read and remember these chapters well, especially the first one.
- One of my friends finally took me up on my recommendation to read (also via audio edition) to Ready Player One, one of my favorite books of the year and one of my favorite books of all time. He also questioned that people who did not live through the 1980s would not enjoy the references contained therein quite as much but I am told by a 1990s child and a 2000s child that this is not true.
- My wife discovered a new band, though as another friend on Facebook was quick to point out he discovered them months ago and posted a video to FB. Oops. One would think I would miss very little as I work at the computer all day, but then, I am WORKING. I have trained myself to limit or even eliminate Facebook breaks.
- So as an added treat, I conclude today with two videos from Lucius (one is short and one is long).
- chris tower - 1310.16 - 13:14