Today's shirt comes from a trip to England in 1986 (see photos) and a visit to Oxford University. It is a companion to the shirt from T-shirt #148, which I was as pajamas. Scheduled for August 16th, 2013, T-shirt #148 has the distinction of being the shirt I posted the day of of my prostate surgery.
Today will be short and carried (mostly) by the photos with the exception of the hiatus text.
I spent most of the day working on T-shirt #303. I imagine readers checking my blog periodically and watching the incomplete entries grow, as I work on them as time allows. If this is true, please let me know in a comment.
It is worth noting that I think one of the shirts, this one and the one in T-shirt #303, may have belonged to my mother, who does not really wear T-shirts. But I am not sure if this is a "true fact" or not.
Aren't all facts true?
That's what makes them facts.
Though not from our European trip, I will throw in a picture of me and my mother from 2012 just because.
You may recognize the shirt in the photo as T-shirt #14. I just came across this photo to add to the mix.
In the next photo, you may recognize that rocky thing in the background as Stonehenge. This is 1986 as we toured England. I am amused at how I dressed back then.
In the next photo, we are not in England anymore. We are in France. I was supposed to stay behind and live in France for a few months, but when I could not connect with friends I had made in college, I bailed on that plan and returned home with my family. This is the first time I have publicly admitted that truth. But we are dedicated to "true facts" today. Gosh, did I ever like those little round glasses.
HIATUS TEXT: I am taking a short hiatus. A "hiatus" for the 365 T-shirts Blog does not mean that there will not be shirts or that I will skip posting on any forthcoming day. There will be shirts. But the shirts will not be exciting or the featured shirts will not require me to write a small novel to properly generate the content I feel is sufficient. I created a category for my hiatus so as to group together those "easy" shirts that I consider to be "hiatus shirts." The goal of the hiatus is to fill in many blog days with easy shirts in order to complete longer love letters to beloved popular culture icons on more special shirts and to write more complex entries AHEAD OF TIME. The daily grind is becoming too much and causing me to fall behind and to be forced to post incomplete entries. I am hoping that a series of hiatus shirts will allow me to catch up, get ahead, and stay ahead. Ideally, I would like to be writing the bulk of each entry three days ahead while always working on at least one other. I have a lot of great shirts to share before the end of my blog year (after all I was just given SIXTEEN shirts for my birthday). Stay tuned. I promise to post the more interesting and longer T-shirt entries as I finish them. Thanks for reading. BTW, this is the standard HIATUS TEXT that I will include in every "hiatus shirt" entry.
COUNTDOWN TO END OF THE BLOG YEAR - 59 shirts remaining
- chris tower - 1401.21 - 19:26
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