I came upon this T-shirt in an Internet hunt for a shirt featuring the Black Panther, which I found elsewhere.
In my quest, I also found a shirt featuring THREE superheroes at ZAZZLE! (See it at this link!)
Black Panther, Daredevil, and the Silver Surfer all on one T-shirt??
How could I resist?
I could not. So, obviously, this is a newly owned T-shirt, which just arrived in the mail not too long ago (a week or two, such is my time ahead on the blog).
I barely escaped ZAZZLE without going completely superhero shirt buying crazy as the company has produced a whole series of shirts featuring trios of characters, such as ...
Phoenix, Black Cat, and Tigra
Falcon, Magneto, and the Vision
Spider-Woman, the Wasp, and Psylocke.

Why the Silver Surfer with Daredevil and the Black Panther? I have no idea.
Also, I cannot identify the artist, but I do like the art. It may be Oliver Coipel.
I invite speculation.
Here, in the photo above, I am posing with my SILVER SURFER OMNIBUS that was a birthday gift years ago from my dear friend Abigail "Crabby" Nappier, who just got engaged to another good friend and a super person, William "BJ" Cherup.

FLYING: One of the best things about Silver Surfer is his flying "surf" board. This is such a cool feature of the Silver Surfer that I made a new category called "flying" to track all the heroes with flying as a primary ability or TV shows/movies that in some way feature flying prominently. Flying is very important. It's fantasy related. You do know what the Freudians say about flying dreams, right?
Surfing through the air is another level of cool to the flying fantasy thing. Plus, the surf board makes a great weapon.

NEW T-SHIRTS: I also started a category to track new shirts that have been purchased or given to me as gifts since I started the blog that were specifically meant to be featured on this blog. So far out of 104 shirts, nine of them fall into this category. Two shirts were purchased since the blog began but had been ordered before its beginning and so they did not qualify.
SILVER SURFER: I could write volumes about the Silver Surfer, as he is one of my all-time favorite superheroes. But time constraints both mine (how much time I can devote to writing) and yours (I know people want to see shorter entries) confine me somewhat, though be warned, I may update!
The Wikipedia page is worth your time: SILVER SURFER WIKI.
And, yes, I just donated to Wikipedia. If you use it and use it often, I advocate a donation to this non-profit organization.

There was also a great addition to the Silver Surfer lore with the Epic Comics edition by Moebius and Stan Lee published in 1988 and 1989. I have a still from this short series at the end of today's entry.
The Silver Surfer has appeared in many comics over the years and has enjoyed several incarnations of his own solo series, too (sorry for not listing all the great creators who have contributed to his ongoing story).
NEEDS HIS OWN SERIES! Like the Black Panther, also on the shirt, and others heroes soon to be featured on this blog (notably Doctor Strange), the Silver Surfer is very deserving of his own series, which he does not currently enjoy.
Far and away, the Silver Surfer was the best thing about the two Fantastic Four movies, I have video with clips to feature posted here on today's blog entry.
VIDEOS: I am also featuring two other cool videos with today's feature because they do more with the Silver Surfer and his coolness than I can do with words.
And beware of updates to this entry.
And happy engagement to my friends Beej and Crabby, who soar like the Silver Surfer. I know, I know. Corny.
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