My wife and I are crazy dog parents. I am okay with this.
Back in August of 2012, we adopted a puppy: Satchel Paige Tower. She is a "spreagle": Springer-Spaniel/Beagle mix. She is our baby, the joy of our lives.
Liesel has taken to calling her "the Boo Boo" or "the Boo."
Adopting Satchel has been another in a series of amazing events dating back to 2008, which include meeting and marrying Liesel, loving her kids, securing more than enough work, and buying a house. The puppy has been a wonderful addition to our family, and I love her very much, especially during these last two days when I have been in bed with this horrible illness.
I have many nicknames for her, such as Poopsydoodle, the Doodler, Doodle bug, and Sneaky Pickle.
We're crazy dog parents. But she's our baby. And we love her.
-chris tower - 1305.07 - 18:50 - feeling better but not well
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